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Teaching Feeling 2.4 : Mod Collection Download

Teaching Feeling : Mod Collection

A collection of mods for Teaching Feeling 2.4.​

Mod Version: 2.4
Game Version: 2.4

Features :

Exposure Mod
Removes the decency check when taking Sylvie out, allowing her to go public with any outfit on.

Smart Shopper Mod
Removes the arbitrary requirements to purchase clothes from the clothing store.

Not currently working with all clothing options (yet).
Also removes stat requirements from piercings and nu dity.

Terrible Person Mod
Allows you to be horrible to Sylvie without forcing her to die from illness.
You must still "Nurse with care" when prompted.
Also allows the "Molest" option to stay indefinitely.

NOTE: This mod does not change any dialogue with Sylvie, so this can cause some minor inconsistency later on.

How to install :

Unzip your desired download, and drag the "data" folder into your Teaching Feeling game directory.
Say "yes" to overwrite.