Corruption v1.50 Cheat Mod Download

Game Version: v1.50
There are a image button in the up-right corner of the screen that you can press or if you'd like you can press 'z' and the mod will appear. In the living room and town map the screens will not appear but if you press 'z' the mod will appear. Now you also have the option to use some cheats without needing to enter the cheat menu, right from the ui screen.
Install/uninstall :
- To install mod you must unRAR/unZIP the archive in the "...\corruption-v1.50-pc" folder
- For uninstalling the mod you only have to delete the .rpa file, but if you used UnRen, then you must also delete the folder "...corruption-v1.50-pc\game\D.S.Mod_v0.5b_corruption_v1.50-pc"
- To install mod you must unRAR/unZIP the archive in the "...\corruption-v1.50-pc" folder
- For uninstalling the mod you only have to delete the .rpa file, but if you used UnRen, then you must also delete the folder "...corruption-v1.50-pc\game\D.S.Mod_v0.5b_corruption_v1.50-pc"