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Four Elements Trainer v0.8 - Walkthrough + Gallery Cheat Mod Download (ABANDONED)

Four Elements Trainer Mod

Game Version: 0.8 or higher

Features :

This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every scene, event, and quest for all routes in Books 1 & 2 of Four Elements Trainer. You can see the requirements for all scenes and quests, track your progress to see how close you are to unlocking specific scenes, and see whether you've already watched a scene or not so you can know if you've watched them all.

A scene gallery containing all scenes from Book 1 & 2 can now be accessed from the main menu. All the scenes are already unlocked/viewable, meaning you don't have to replay the game to be able to see all the scenes in the gallery.

A cheat menu has been added for Books 1 & 2 which has cheats that allow you to max your money, add all items to your inventory, skip crab battles, and more.

How to install :

for PC :

Unzip the mod and put the folder named "game" from the mod in your "Four_Elements_Trainer_v0.8.3a-pc" folder.

for Mac :

Unzip the mod -> Right click your -> Click "Show Package Contents" -> Open the "Contents" then "Resources" folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named "game" from the mod to the "autorun" folder -> Click merge

for Android :

1. If you have saves from a previous version :

- Open the File Manager app and go to "Android/data/"​
- Move your "fet.start" folder to somewhere else like your Downloads folder​2. Uninstall your old FET game
3. Install the new Modded FET apk
4. If you have saves from a previous version:

- Move your "fet.start" folder back to "Android/data/"​